Lineage Os 15.0 Rom For Moto G 2015 [ 8.0 Oreo ] [ Osprey ]

Most updated and stable Lineage Os 15 custom rom based on android 8.0 Oreo for moto g 2015 [ g3 ] [ Osprey ]

Features :

  1. Lineage Customizations
  2. Tuned kernel
  3. fast charging
  4. optimized battery

Bugs :

  1. Camcorder
  2. Volte
  3. Selinux permissive

Download Rom

Install instructions

Note: keep in mind that before the flash check your battery, it should be 70-80% charged. then back up Your device data including personal data before flashing the firmware or install on your device.
  1. Always Make A Nandroid BACKUP
  2. Reboot recovery [Power off then Press power + volume down for 3 sec ]
  3. Now hard reset Or wipe these [data, system, cache dalvik ]
  4. Install Lineage Os 15 Rom
  5. reboot after succesfull installation
  6. Flash Gapps ( Google Apps )
  7. thats all
  8. enjoy !

Credits :

Lineage Os 15.0 Rom For Moto G 2015 [ 8.0 Oreo ] [ Osprey ] Rating: 4.5 Review By: Admin

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